Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bike gang.

I've been a bad blogger - sorry for the lacks of updates.

Let me see..
We're still looking for jobs. The search is going pretty well, there will be results soon I am sure of it.
Meanwhile, I went thru a four day interview process to be part of an organization called Project Legos.  The experience was awesome, I  met some really great people and in the end I have become a project facilitator.  I am going to be working with mostly at risk youth, some not, leading workshops where I facilitate discussions and activities in order to create agents of change when it comes to social issues, especially diversity. I'm excited about it.
check out the website ""

Other than job searching, we've pretty much just been hanging out - riding our bikes a lot, reading, and learning more about the city. 

Since Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes, on the southern part of the city located in the middle of town is a place called Lake Calhoon.  Its a beautiful area that makes you feel like your on vacation when you're down there.  There is sail boats, a bike path around it and even sand beaches.  A few of us went down there last week for the afternoon, we played frisbee and read on the beach, it was a really good day.
From left to right is Patrick, Kramer, me and Timma.

Something else we did I like to call Tour de Minneapolis.  Patrick just got back from spending a year in Argentina, and on his last night there his friends gave him an Argentine soccer jersey.  Because of the devotion to their team, this gift means a lot to not only the people of the country, but also to Patrick.  He had the idea of going around the city with the jersey on and taking pictures of himself by all of the landmarks that are special to Minneapolis... a flat stanley project of sorts.  So Timma, Kramer and myself went along with him... 
Here's what came out of it.

Here is me on the stone arch bridge that goes over the Mississippi River - I can't get it right side up, sorry.

This is the IDS building downtown, the tallest structure in the city- check out the shadowing on it.

Here's me and the Mary Tyler Moore statue located in Niccolett Mall, an area of town where only buses and taxis are allowed down.  The show took place in the city.

Here is Kramer and I with the cherry/spoon statue in Loring Park.  Its a giant fountain, probably to keep people from climbing to the top of it- but it is located in the largest statue garden in the US.

Check out the view of the skyline from the Franklin Ave bridge... I've been told its the best you can get from any place in the city.

Our final stop was along the Greenway bike path that runs all around the city... This is the view of the Hennepin bridge.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh ba de, Oh ba dah - life is going on.

So. The job search = continuing.
I've applied at a few restaurants, a banquet catering service place, home depot, caribou coffee, and a catering company that specializes in pig roasts.  Some are promising... I'm low-key banking on this pig roast gig, we'll see what happens.
All in all though, this being unemployed thing is kind of nice... Not that I'm trying to stay jobless or anything, but I can't really remember the last time that I haven't had something I had to do - whether it be go to work, go to class, do homework, etc.   I haven't not had a job (with the exception of first semester my freshman year) since I was 16 and although I definitely/hopefully won't be jobless long enough to get used to it, maybe I could?

Here's a recap of what we've done since we were given the big F-fired.
Last Wednesday, the majority of my roommates and I went to the Twins game.  We played the Boston Red Sox & WE WON!  It was student night so tickets were only $7, and hotdogs were only a buck a piece: limit two.
This is Megan, she's from Wisconsin and a random for the summer as well.

These are a few more of our roommates and us by the field. The Twins play in the Metrodome, so its baseball inside... crazy.
Sorry it is sideways, but this is Jack- He swares up and down the Twins will win the World Series this year:  "Twins 09' - you heard it here first".

On Friday, Kramer and I did the critical mass in Minneapolis.  About two hundred people were there, along with many, many police officers on their bikes.  The critical mass has a history of violence all over the country, but in 07, the c.m. in the cities became a little out of hand as the cyclist began to beat the cars with their u-locks and the cops began to beat the cyclists.  So the message has changed a bit and instead of yelling "f**k cars" we all now yell "Happy Friday!" to everyone in passing.
We rode for two and a half hours straight all over the city and probably around 25-30  miles.  As we pulled back into Loring park, where we started, only a fraction of the group that started ended together, everybody else had pulled out along the way.  We were dead tired when we got home, but felt very accomplished.  Only three girls finished, and I was one of them... it was cool.

On Saturday Kramer and I decided to go on a little day adventure, and we got in the car to drive to Minnehaha Falls.  The park is located right outside of the city and has miles of bike paths, a restaurant and the best part, the water fall.  
Here is Kramer by the falls.
Here is the falls themselves, it was beautiful.  
Then we rented this bike/car thing for an hour to ride around on the bike paths.

I would say that we look very cute in it, buuut - it was much more difficult to ride than we would've thought.

So as you can see, we're having a good time.  Minneapolis is a great city, now if only we could find some income. 
P.S. - the hot sauce at taco bell was back to being orange... it is crazy.